Web site and mobile phone pages created and maintained by Janet Groome, Handshake Computer Training
The Arts Society Charnwood
Newsletter July Newsletter Dear All, Afternoon Event, Wednesday 17th July How to make a living as a professional artist - An afternoon with Helen Rhodes and Kate Gibbs 17th July 2.30.-4.30pm Woodhouse Eaves Village Hall, entry from 2pm. Tickets £10.00 Drinks and cake and the chance to win a piece of artwork all included in the £10.00. Booking form available from spwspiers@aol.com New Treasurer Arrangements Marion will be replaced by a “book keeper” rather than a new “Treasurer”. Paul Spiers and Mervyn Greenhalgh will take on some of the tasks undertaken by Marion, and all three will liaise carefully with the Book Keeper as the year proceeds. So, please look carefully when sending your communications Follow-up to David Rosier’s June Lecture He noted that our next lecture in September will be The Treasures of the Black Tent which is a good follow up to his lecture. He then advised that in the Autumn the British Museum is holding a 'Silk Road' Exhibition which would be an excellent follow up to both these lectures for anyone visiting London. Sign-up / Rejoin for the coming 2024-2025 year. Our financial year starts in July, so please do pay your subscription from now. We will be doing our best to keep you informed. The fee is £80 for the year which covers ten lectures and the entreé to our multiple events, outings etc. on a pay-as-you-go basis. So do join us forthwith and we will be very happy to welcome both you and your friends. With best wishes, Michael Kelly Chairman TASC michaeljohnkelly7@gmail.com 01509 890173 P.S. You are very welcome to reply to me about this letter, but please use the above email address and no other. P.P.S. I am making progress with my knee and I hope to be able to discard the brace soon.